Where to Find God?

Probably you’re looking for and sincerely wondering where is God, especially when you deeply need him today? God will not ever be a person, place or thing no matter how much you search for Him.

When you love someone, a special area, or anything, that is idolatry which God hates.   You must look elsewhere to find God!

God is intuitively a spirit being who is invisible. He cannot be seen, only Jesus has seen Him. But Jesus said; “If you have seen Me you have seen the Father.”

God the Father will not ever be visible to the naked eye of humans. Except, He will live in your tender heart. God is a Holy Being who has everything figured out for you no matter the problem or situation you face.

God created everything you see and all things belong to Him explicitly. When your time has come and you pass into the next realm you will not ever be able to take anything of this world with you to your next phase. Jesus will judge you for all you did while alive.

Therefore, the only way to find our invisible God is in the tenderness of your heart and through His True Church, The Church of Christ. You will find a very visible God speaking to you through your inner feelings when you set aside quiet time to be alone with Him or pray in a group setting. The tug of war you feel tearing you apart at times is your physical nature.

Realize God’s precepts are at the core of the Bible. And you need to study it to discover God’s will for you. Though you will not ever be able to see a visible God in the midst of your life situation, you will be able to discern right from wrong. When you think about our God who is a Holy … Holy Being you gain strength to deal will all life’s situations. The Spirit of God will be in you and by your side protecting you and guiding your steps every day. God promised He will never leave you or forsake you in His Inspired Word, The Holy Bible.

To answer the question as to, “Where to Find God?” You simply can find God inside of you and all around you if you search for Him in the pages of The Bible. When you study The Holy Bible, you show yourself approved; and learn how to live a Christian life.

God is here! God’s spirit is within you and in the Church of Christ. He has built it and He keeps it. God loves everything He creates and He created you to Glorify Him. You are a miracle! You have your being and are alive in Jesus when He becomes your savior. You must obey God by accepting Jesus Christ as your shepherd. After you have repented of your sins and receive a baptism by immersion the gift of the Holy Spirit f God enters your heart.

You must obey God by believing Jesus is the only Son of God and He the Son of Man. Christ Jesus desires you repent of your sins. Why not receive a baptism to become a part of God’s family? Will you do it? I hope to see you , my brother or sister in heaven!

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